Michael Larsen, Ph.D.

Michael Larsen Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at GWU, joined The Biostatistics Center 2009. He received a Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University. Dr. Larsen is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association (2012) and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (2010) and was a Distinguished Scholar at the U.S. Census Bureau (2012).

He has been elected to four positions in the ASA’s Survey Research Methods Section, including program chair (2012) and chair-elect (2015). His interests include survey sampling, missing data, record linkage and administrative records, disclosure limitation and confidentiality, Bayesain statistics, hierarchical and mixture models, statistical modeling of complex data, and statistics education.

At the National Academy of Sciences he is a member of the standing committee on re-engineering census operations. He previously was a member of the panel on Census 2010 and the steering committee of a CNSTAT workshop for the National Science Foundation on surveying nonprofit organization about research and development. Dr. Larsen has engaged in extensive editorial and review work.

He is a permanent member of the NIH’s Biostatistical Research Methods and Design study section. He was executive editor for Chance (2008-2010). He serves as associate editor for a number of journals. He has consulted for and collaborated with researchers at a number of government agencies, research organizations, companies, and academic departments. Dr. Larsen has advised several master’s degree students and 6 PhD students with an additional 3 in progress.